What are the features of ICO?
What is ICO for?
iSwim is a small connected island that monitors the quality of your hot tub/pool water by simply placing it in the water. Ideal Water Crae has designed iSwim, so that everyone can maintain their hot tub in complete peace of mind. iSwim continuously analyses the quality of your hot tub water 24 hours a day and makes personalised recommendations on the right dosage of products at the right time.
iSwim knows how to anticipate water variations to avoid unpleasant surprises by monitoring the weather and the behaviour of your hot tub.
iSwim alerts you on the mobile app to best practices for simple but effective hot tub maintenance; treatment products and equipment.
What data does iSwim use to analyse water quality?
Equipped with 3 probes, iSwim continuously measures the following 4 parameters:
- The pH level
- The disinfection capacity (called the oxidation reduction ratio or ORP). iSwim estimates the concentration of chlorine and other disinfectants from this parameter.
- The conductivity of the water, which makes it possible to estimate the concentration of salts and minerals (TDS)
- Water temperature
Why does ICO connect to the weather?
iSwm connects to the weather and collects weather forecasts in order to anticipate possible water variations. Indeed, temperature and meteorological events (wind, rain, storms...) have an influence on water quality.
With its immediate connection to the weather, iSwim warns you and sends you useful and practical notifications. This way, during strong winds, you can lock you hot tub cover in time to avoid any damage caused to the cover and/or the hot tub.
What are the recommendations made by iSwim?
On the one hand, the first recommendations made by iSwim are related to the use of disinfection and pool treatment products.
If you manually add your treatment products, you will see on your mobile app a recommendation of the right dosage (quantity), iSwim guides you with the appropriate treatment product types.
If you have automatic equipment such as pH dosing pumps, electrolysers, etc., iSwim will advise you on the correct use and adjustment of this equipment.
In addition, iSwim also guides you towards good general practices adapted to the behaviour of your hot tub in order to simplify routine maintenance and protect the equipment. iSwim helps you to optimise disinfection (filter washing, water balance analysis, etc.) in order to improve overall bathing comfort while limiting the maintenance budget.
Is my smartphone compatible with the ICO application?
The iSwim application is compatible with Android (from version 5.0) and IOS (from version 11.0)
How to download the ICO application?
To download our mobile application, simply go to the Play store (Android) or Apple Store (iOS), search for the application named "iCare - Ideal Water Care" and install it on your smartphone.